Making the Most of Sunday
Sunday can be the most satisfying, joy-filled and joy-provoking, and indeed, worshipful, day of the week for you and your family.
Sunday can be the most satisfying, joy-filled and joy-provoking, and indeed, worshipful, day of the week for you and your family.
God’s Word has valuable truths to communicate about recreation, and family fun provides us with a wonderful opportunity to lead biblically.
To protect your teens online, you need 1) A fence, 2) swim lessons, and 3) supervision. Learn how these steps relate to protecting our teens online.
What does it mean to be a good dad? And should being good be our goal? Jesus helps to clear up some misunderstanding surrounding that little word, “good.”
If a father lacks a godly desire for his own children, no method of parenting will ever bear true fruit.
How would you like a versatile tool that is guaranteed to never wear out and stay sharp and strong? Chances are you already have it, but are you using it?
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