How to Fight Lust and Love Jesus (Part 2)
When fighting the sin of lust, you need more than tips and tricks. You need a real sword. God has given us the Sword of the Word of God.
When fighting the sin of lust, you need more than tips and tricks. You need a real sword. God has given us the Sword of the Word of God.
How do you know if you really love your children like God desires? Paul gives us a picture of how God describes love to help us pattern our love.
The church is essential for the spiritual growth of you and your children. Here are the first three of six reasons why your kids need a church family.
To teach our children biblically and effectively, we must employ not only lecture-style instruction but also what Lou Priolo calls “milieu instruction.”
When you fight any sin, you’re not primarily running from something; you’re running to Someone! Let’s run to Jesus together!
God gives every parent a special love for their kids but sometimes we as dads aren’t always good at showing it.
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