How to Fight Lust and Love Jesus (Part 3)
Fighting lust is bigger than lust. God is inviting you into a full-life wholeness and lust is fighting against that experience.
Fighting lust is bigger than lust. God is inviting you into a full-life wholeness and lust is fighting against that experience.
When fighting the sin of lust, you need more than tips and tricks. You need a real sword. God has given us the Sword of the Word of God.
When you fight any sin, you’re not primarily running from something; you’re running to Someone! Let’s run to Jesus together!
As we learn how to submit to God’s Fatherly care, we’ll also learn something of the heart of the Father.
Real rest is often elusive—for dads and families alike. Explore three key truths about rest and some practical ideas for applying them to your life.
Making friends as an adult is hard—especially as men. But God made us social beings and wants us to draw into a community, to develop healthy male friendships.
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