Kyle Grant and family

Team Author

Kyle Grant

Elkhart, Indiana

Kyle and Julia have three children, Everlie, Layton and Lily. Kyle loves spending time with family, woodworking, reading, and playing golf.

He has a graduate degree in Systematic Theology from Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Minneapolis, MN, and he is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry from Knox Theological Seminary.

His favorite areas of study are theology, preaching, and church history. Julia is a fantastic mom and a talented teacher. She richly encourages Kyle, her kiddos, and her church family. Everything Kyle contributes to this site has been shaped by his wife!

There is no God-given privilege like being a husband and no joy from his hand like parenting. I pray this site is a life-giving resource to you as we grow in our calling to lead little ones and love our spouses. We're in this together and God is for us!

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